Thursday, February 5, 2009

The future of Rock N Roll

Yesterday in the car:

Peyton: We started a band at school.

Me: Cool! What kind of band?

Peyton: Well. I got fired.

Me: Fired? Why?

Peyton: Robbie fired me cause I asked for day off. He said "no" so I kept running away and I got fired. He wants to work everyday mom!

Dear god. Everyday???? What are his parents teaching this kid???


  1. Can Peyton file for unemployment?

  2. Wow, fired from his first gig. Where was he running away to?

  3. You tell Peyton he's much better off. Nobody needs to work for a tyrant like that Robbie.

    Working every day. Phht.

  4. Bwahahaha! That was too cute, Zoe! Thanks for sharing, and I hope you have a great weekend! :0)

  5. HaHa!!!! I am with Peyton though, working everyday sucks!

  6. Peyton should sue for wrongful discharge. He could claim he was fired on account of cuteness and get awarded enough to never have to work again!

  7. Lovin the "rock on!" I'm trying to teach my 4 year old to do that...must be simpler than giving people the finger...which she can already do :P

  8. You just can't be in a band where there are egos like that - it would only stifle his creativity in the long run. He made the right decision. Run, little man!

  9. LOVE the foo fighters! yep...peyton sounds like a true rock star, wanting the day off and such. cute!


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