Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Brazen Bull

I have never been even remotely excited about the idea of torturing someone. Until now. I would love to take the inventor of Day Light Savings and hang him by his toenails, naked, over a vat of popping hot bacon grease. Even that may be too kind.

Seriously. Did this "person" ever stop to consider the impact on child sleep patterns and thus a mother's sanity??? After failing to fall asleep at a decent hour on Sunday and having to be drug out of bed on Monday-Peyton has turned into a complete and total beast. Unlike a normal sleepy child who gets whiny or lays around-Peyton gets manic.

Last evening was spent with him antagonizing everyone in the house for hours. Burping in his sisters face, calling Cade names, hiding peoples things, throwing stuff, farting on the dog, squealing like a pig, banging on doors...the list goes on. Each episode followed by tearful apologies and then the mayhem resumed.

I expected him to pass out as soon as his head hit the pillow but instead he spent nearly two hours playing the drums on his bunkbed rails and singing Nickleback songs at the top of his lungs. Tonight he is in rare form again. He just inhaled 5 hot dogs and is now trying to erase everything that I type.

Pray. Pray for that evil, sadistic, master of time. Because I plan to do things to him that Amnesty International has never dreamed of.


  1. LMAO..um that's typical boy behavior in my house...

  2. I'm with you, my kids get totally screwed up.

  3. OH MY GAWD!! I was thinking the same thing today, but in my case the child who is the most affected is the ONE human in this house who could sleep and eat and bathe at any time he wishes... yet somehow the 1 hour time change has totally screwed him out of any semblance of normalcy and SANITY. I cannot imagine WHO in their right mind thinks it's a great idea to add and subtract hours to days every 6 months. You do what you wish...I'll be applauding you.

  4. The time change messes with MY internal time clock! By 1:30 yesterday I.was.ready.for.bed!

  5. I was missing that hour big time the first day, but Chase has been having a fit adjusting to getting on the bus at 6:45am the past 2 days!!

  6. He's a feisty one huh. I hate springing ahead.

  7. I feel ya... one freaking hour and it F's EVERYTHING up. My child has been taking turns being manic and dead tired as well.

  8. hehehe...amnesty international :) Totally getting you though. Like the amount of sunlight in my day has anything to do with any "schedule" I keep...I just think they like f'ing with us lol.

  9. Yep. I'm second in line on the torture-inflicting bus for the DST inventor. Send him my way when you've finished with your own revenge.

  10. Oh my gosh I KNNNOOOWWW! I hate this! Excuse me, but my 3 year old and 4 month old seem not to understand the whole concept and therefore I am a crabby mess!!!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.


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