Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Bronze? Are you kidding me?

As of one week ago Mark and I have been married for 8 years. 8 long years. I have had several people ask me why I don't mention Mark often or discuss our marriage. The answer to that is simple really. It could be used against me in a court of law. I'm only sort of kidding.

Our marriage has never been easy. We our complete and total opposites. We are diametrically opposed to nearly everything the other believes. Yet some how we are still together.

There are days like today (frequently) that I have to remind myself exactly why I fell in love with him in the first place:

  • His sense of humor
  • His pretty blue eyes and easy smile
  • His ability to make people feel welcome
  • He makes awesome potatoes
  • He does dishes
  • He packs big heat and knows how to use it
Now this may not seem like much. But most days it's what keeps me out of divorce court...or worse yet...prison.

Ps: I did not get bronze...I got a watch. He has been trained well.


  1. Happy Anniversary. It can be hard being on opposite shifts too. I know that does a number on a lot of people.

  2. Zoe, I have to say that I love you. I'm so gald that through work we have met because well we are different but same. I'm glad you guys had a good day, you both needed that even though it didn't last long enough ;)

  3. Zoe, maybe this will give you hope, maybe not. We've been married 44 years, we're Carrie Sue's parents. One of our friends calls us a 'mixed species marriage', because we are so different in almost every way. When we were married, more than one person gave us a year to stay married, at the most. Take heart, take heart.

  4. Congratulations on eight years without murdering him in his sleep. Not that I'm trying to give you any ideas...You know they always blame the spouse first. Marriage is hard, hard work. I myself, suck at it.

  5. Happy Belated Anniversary Zoe! That is a nice picture of you two :) Marriage is hard. Harder than I ever expected in a million years.

  6. Happy Anniversary, belated as it may be! I love that picture of you with your husband, it's beautiful....

  7. That's exactly why I don't discuss Brad much. We have so little in common, and if I talked about him more people would think we were in the thralls of divorce or something.

  8. Congratulations on 8 years! Sometimes marriage is so DAMNED hard. My husband and I are complete opposites, too. I try to think of it as yin and yang. Sometimes I think of it as the reason we'll end up divorced. I really hope we don't.

    "He packs big heat and knows how to use it".... LOL!!!

  9. Be lucky you got a watch. I get nothing. You love him! I don't talk much about Frank either.

  10. Happy Anniversary!
    It is hard. The important thing is that you still have a list. If two people were exactly the same it does not work. You have to meet somewhere in the middle!

  11. Add well trained to the list.

    Happy Anniversary - we all have to review our lists sometimes - I know I do...

  12. Happy (belated) Anniversary

    Now I'm curious, what kind of potatoes?

  13. Awww, Zoe...you look so beautiful in that picture! Happy anniversary. And, at least you got something...I usually just get a card if I'm really lucky.

  14. Happy happy girl!

  15. Happy anniversary, Zoe! Remembering back, years 5-9 were not that great for us either. Things can still get much better, and I hope they do!

  16. You just cracked me up.
    Happy Anniversary and KEEP ON TRUCKIN'!

  17. Happy Belated Anniversary. I love the picture you posted. It's adorable.

  18. sorry so late in getting here - CONGRATULATIONS! Happy Anniversary! Love your little list! It's those positive thoughts that I sometimes have to keep repeating like a mantra that keeps me out of jail. :)

  19. hahaha! big heat baby!

    lovely shot. happy anniversary!

  20. Happy Anniversary! I know how the "total opposites" thing can suck at times. I myself married one too. Just last night I went through that internal conversation of "what in hell was I thinking when I said yes..." deal...

  21. Happy Anniversary!

    Marriage is defnitely tough and 8 years is most certainly a milestone. We'll be going on 7 and that already has seemed amazing. Being opposites can be tricky but it always keeps things exciting!

  22. Congratulations!!

    Your tidbits on your marriage make me wonder what Mark's birthday is sometimes (with you being a Scorpio and all). ;P

    It's tough no matter what year of marriage it is. But I've always thought the first year is the roughest.


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