Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Nope. Not the band. Me. I have lots of updates. Some funny, some sad. Some just messed up. But I'm going to start with the lamest first. Me. Cause I know how much you all love me. I like to think you enter my little piece of the world to laugh with me...but yeah I know. It's at me. But hey that's cool too.

I have been sick as hell. It started with the flu and nicely progressed into a cheerful case of Acute Asthmatic Bronchitis. My nursing career has done wonders for my health. I had never had a cough in my entire life prior to joining this caring profession. But now I have had so many cases of pneumonia that I have asthma.

Of course I waited four days before going to the Dr. because I was diligently trying to care for everyone else and and make Ava the perfect cupcakes for her birthday. When I nearly passed out putting Ava into the car after her Dr. appointment I finally broke down and went.

After nearly five days on steroids I am still wheezy and now I am bitchy too. However, I can at least make it to the potty with out nearly going into respiratory arrest so I guess that is some improvement. I'm sure I have lost a few brain cells along the way due to hypoxia so be sure and dumb down your comments.

In other news, I tried to go top Achievers (said to be scrapbook heaven) only to find it closed for the day : "due to circumstances beyond our control". No big deal it's only an hour drive. Did a few new scrap pages. Happy with some. Need to post pics. Get right on that. Started "dieting" have lost 4 pounds so far. Of course a head full of snot and coughing up lung tissue does kinda stifle your appetite. Got to see my adorable nephew "Charmin" but couldn't kiss all over him since I'm a sicky. Went to a very disappointing breastfeeding conference. Disappointing in that it was not well presented (although the info was great) and in the knowledge that it will never happen at Big Medicine....where breastfeeding is still like *SIGH*.

Hmm. That's it for me. Oh, I guess you could add fight with Mark, contemplate selling Norm to research and watching too much bad TV. I'm super exciting aren't I? Now I know you'll really be interested when I post on the terrorists!


  1. I don't think I need to dumb down the comments. UR still smrt.
    I have been feeling you, and wishing I could call, but not wanting to disturb a stray moment of sleep should you get one.

  2. missed you. hope you are feeling better! will talk to you soon!

  3. Yuck.. I hope you're feeling better soon. Seems like everyone is sick!

    What Archiver's did you go to? The one in Novi? I reaaaally want to go there! We should do a crop there one time.

  4. So glad you're back and among the land of the living...I know what you mean about nursing and getting sick..uggghhh...can't wait to hear about the terrorists...

  5. It is good to have you back, I laugh with you, believe me. I hope you're at full strength soon. I cannot believe Archivers was closed, someone put the sign on the door, they should have worked. I've only seen one employee the times I've gone. It is nice, but I hate that they organize by color. I don't want to search 5 sections for one line of basic grey.
    I can't wait to see your pages.

  6. Oh I'm so sorry - that sounds absolutely miserable!

  7. I'm glad that you are feeling somewhat better! I hear ya on always being sick while working in the medical profession. I worked in the medical field for 8 years and was ALWAYS SICK! Since I quit 2 1/2 years ago, I have only had maybe 2 colds.

    We are Glad that you are back!

  8. Glad to see you are up & going again! I love the steroids comment, 'wheezy & bitchy' Snow Whites new dwarfs? I can relate to the feeling, anytime I even smell steroids I am a t-total b!
    Hope Ava had a wonderful Birthday :)

  9. Oh no! I hope you are feeling better soon!

  10. Happy B day to your Ava princess...
    I hope you start feeling like your wonderful self soon.

    Your posts have been missed so it's nice to hear your gathering your strength back.

  11. I can't believe how it's really going around! Hope you feel better. Take care of YOURSELF!

  12. Wheezing is hot! Just keep telling yourself that.

  13. Awww, Zoe! Feel better soon. I can't wait to hear all about the kiddos. Sorry about Archiver's. IMO, they aren't the best. I really loved Recollections, but they all closed. So, I guess I'm back to Archiver's. *sigh* Yes, post some pics of your pages! I cant wait to see! :0)

  14. Look, nothing counts when you are sick. It's not like you get a break to heal properly. Good luck getting past all this STAT.

  15. leaving a comment - hope the replyto works!

  16. I am starting to get something, a cold plus maybe something in lungs, which made my 5 mile run on the readmill today HELL. I hope it doesnt get worse, seeing as I am in training and the big day is only two months away. Hope you start feeling better soon.

  17. My boss is the stepfather of the lead singer of Wheezer! (totally off topic, I know!)

    I hope you feel better soon. :-(

  18. I sit here coughing up a lung, attempting to breathe through gallons of mucous that have taken up residence in my lungs. I feel your pain! Hope you are on the mend!

  19. Zoe~Hope you are feeling better. Being sick with kids sucks, doesn't it???

    What scrapbook Archiver's did you go to?

  20. That sounds horrible Zoe! I hope you are starting to feel better. I don't think I've ever been that sick!

  21. cant wait to see your artsy stuff....i'm dying to see what else you do besides crack me up lol.

    and i used to love archivers...mostly it was cause we became friends w/ 1 of the girls who taught there & she was da bomb...now she's gone & i really never go there anymore. its nice but i'd rather go to hobby lobby & joann's & use 40% off coupons lol.


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