Monday, October 22, 2007

Insurance agents beware

Ava has been attending speech for over a month now, in addition to sign language tutors once a week. Although it was disappointing news, the speech therapist determined that there is an oral muscular issue. There have been minimal improvements in her language but in the past few days she has greatly increased her signing. It has been so nice to actually have her try and communicate with me! Our insurance company authorized the initial assessment and 12 subsequent visits. The therapist obviously requested more when she determined there truly was an issue besides attitude and because she is at least 1 year behind in language development. Well, what do you know....typical bureaucratic bullshit. Big insurance has DENIED any further visits. I almost feel sorry for who ever the poor bitch is that gets my phone call tomorrow. Cause NOBODY puts Her Majesty in the corner. NOBODY.


  1. fight for it and don't give in. don't take no for an answer!!!

  2. In my best Oprah impression..."You go girl!" I hate insurance companies. Damn the man!

  3. Get em girl! Insurance companies are the pits when they try to put the kids further behind!


  4. I am sorry to hear that. Keep fighting. Hopefully something will happen. Insurance companies suck, don't they?

  5. I hate insurance companies!
    Fight it girl!

  6. fight, fight, and fight some more. that is bs. keep us updated and let us know if you need us to show anyone our muscles. :)

  7. Hey on the issue of her speech problems, you should talk to Stacey N. from CLM, her son just turned 2 and I believe is looking at the same, if not similar diagnosis. Good luck with the insurance, i've got a couple issues to take care of with them as well... Ugh....

  8. I had the same problem with Brighten. I had to fight and fight the innsurance company. They kept telling me I need to wait until he was 3 so it could be the school systems problem! Can you believe that. I went off on the guy on the other end of the phone. But hey I got him in speech therapy that next week! So go give them the mothers wrath! :)

  9. So far I have spent nearly 3 hours on the phone over 2 days I am nowhere...GRRRRR

  10. Okay. I'm finding all these posts about Ava's lack of speech and starting to freak the heck out. Mack is 19 months and isn't really interested in speaking more than 5 or 6 words. No sign. Absolutely will not give sign language even a notion. So I'm supposed to have him in speech therapy? I didn't realize speech was so closely monitored at this age. Where the heck have I been?


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